Between our two kids we've got apraxia of speech, sensory issues and attention deficit disorder with a side of anxiety, compulsive behaviors and, depending on the week, tics. Things may be complicated in our house but, hey, at least they're unpredictable.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

George Lucas Would Be Proud

The kids are sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner. As I pop into the other room for a moment, Max yells, “Mom, I’m teaching Ari words she doesn’t know.” I’ll admit – for a second I was concerned about this little vocabulary lesson. Was he going to teach her how to say “stupid baby mommy?” (His preferred choice of curse words. I know. I’m lucky that’s the worst he can come up with.)

Because while Max has been doing incredibly well on fish oil alone for ten days now, he hit a rough patch this afternoon. He was on my computer, playing games at, and was having trouble. “I keep getting killed,” he wailed to me. When I was unable to move him to the next level in the game, he only became more distraught and agitated. He started spitting and whining and hitting. Then he threw a tennis ball at me and knocked over my modem. It wasn’t his best moment.

So I wasn’t sure how devilish he was feeling when he announced his intention to teach Ari new words. But his lesson went like this:

Max: Ari, say Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ari: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Max: Say Jar Jar Binks
Ari: Jar Jar Binks
Max: Say Luke’s robot hand
Ari: Luke’s robot hand

He wasn’t trying to teach her the worst words he knew…he was teaching her his favorites.


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